Unfortunately when they start shipping them out. It took me nearly 2
months to get my women's esembly pattern from her. Next time you order
go through a different vendor. You'll recieve your order quicker. I
ordered the underpinnings pattern from sewingcentral.com and got it in a
week after ordering.
Margo's been in the midst of moving, removing, revamping life, and the
patterns, so hopefully soon. Good luck.
I have heard good things about these companies so it may be another
option until Marog's comes out. I'm waiting for after event season to
try their corset patterns.
*just patiently waiting and finding other means*
Post by MuirghealAnyone know anything on the release date of Margo Anderson's Comfort
pattern? Her website has said for 6 months it would ship out in a month.
I bought the pattern to use as maternity garb and my baby is due in 5 weeks.
So thats out.
Just curious if Ill ever see the thing?